healthy School Snacks


Healthy School Snacks For Your Little Ones

How do you choose what snacks to give your children? Keep children happy and healthy by making healthy school snacks for them to take to school. It can be easy to just throw in a packet of crisps or a chocolate biscuit but healthier snacks are not as complicated, time-consuming or expensive as you might think. To keep your little ones’ teeth healthy and them excited about what they are eating, try these healthy school snacks out for size - we promise you won’t be disappointed!

Healthy school snacks do not have to be boring or traditional such as fresh fruit or vegetable sticks. Give things a modern spin and mix up different flavours that your children will be excited about and happy to eat over sweets and crisps. We’ve compiled a list of both during and after school snacks so your snack cupboard will never be the same again.

Frozen Yoghurt Grapes

Super easy to make, frozen yoghurt grapes can taste a little bit like chocolate or something similar sweet but contain fruit. Best used as an after-school snack as if taken out of the freezer for too long they’ll defrost and become soggy.

Crunchy roasted chickpeas

A great nut alternative, roasted chickpeas are crunchy in texture and make great school snacks for little ones. Fill up a Tupperware with them to snack on at break-times. They are a lot healthier than shop-bought nut packets which often contained added salt.

Peanut butter and apple

Add an extra little twist to apples by including peanut butter or the nut butter of your choice. Include a spoonful of peanut butter in a Tupperware alongside apple slices for your children to either dip into or to coat their apple slices in. It works best with smooth peanut butter but with trial and effort your child will be able to manage it with crunchy peanut butter if that is what they prefer.

Fruit salad

Make fruit a little bit more fun and interesting by making them up a fruit salad in a Tupperware for their school snack. The sweetness of the fruit will quench any sweet tooth and it allows them to have lots of different fruits in one sitting, filling them up a little more.

Healthy flapjack

Get the family together for a baking session to make a healthy flapjack. In the healthier version include plenty of seeds, oats, dried fruits and agave sryup over traditional oats and golden syrup to make it less unhealthy. This is a great treat to make all together and can be sliced up into portions perfectly sized for each child.

Hummus and vegetable sticks

Add a dollop of hummus to a Tupperware and serve with vegetable sticks of your choice for your child to dunk into at school. Hummus is super filling so will keep their tummies full until lunchtime. Popular choices for vegetable sticks are carrot, cucumber and celery.

HealthJuliet MayhewFood