A Superfood Diet


Eat Clean & Lean

Superfoods are something of a buzzword in dietary and healthy eating circles right now. It can be hard to define but put mostly simply it is a nutrient-rich food which is considered to be beneficial for your health and well-being. What is not to love! Even more excitingly, most superfoods are delicious in themselves and frequently make up elements of most peoples diets.  

If you are looking to cut down your intake of fats, tone up in time for a special event or just want to feel better about what you are heating, here are four superfoods to start eating today, with tips on how you can enjoy them in your daily food intake.  


Often hinted as the poster boy of the superfoods, avocados have taken the food world by a storm in recent years. It contains good fats and L-Carnitine which helps to metabolize your fat cells. It is easy to find when you are eating out too as is often included on brunch menus everywhere! To enjoy at home, simply whip up some avocado on sourdough bread with a poached egg (another superfood!). Add a little pinch of seasalt and a squeeze of lemon juice for extra zing.  


Forever confusing people on whether it is a vegetable or a fruit, the tomato is one of the most versatile foods out there and is included in cuisines worldwide. It contains lycopene which helps to keep your heart and skin healthy. If you are cooking an Indian, Mexican or Italian recipe, tomatoes will most likely be included somewhere. To enjoy at home, make your tomato-based sauce for your pasta from scratch by blending fresh tomatoes as opposed to tinned ones, which often contain a high salt quantity. Garnish your sauce with fresh herbs and use wholegrain pasta to create a delicious, healthy evening meal.


All fish is such a versatile product which can be made into many dishes but salmon is one of the healthiest options – as opposed to a fish shop fish supper! It is packed with omega-3 which helps to support the health of your heart. To enjoy at home, oven cook the fish in lemon juice wrapped in tin foil in the oven to deliciously cook it through. Serve with rice, greens and if you like a bit of heat, a healthy hot sauce, to attack your mouth with flavour.


Whilst eating healthy it can be hard to ignore sugar cravings. Target this by including a variety of fruit into your diet – allowing you to get that sweet fix without going overboard. Blueberries are one of the best to include as they protect your brain and memory whilst boosting brain cell function. You can either snack on them throughout the day (perfect for taking to work in snack boxes) or include them in your meal. Adorn cereal or porridge with them in the morning for a healthy kick-start to your day or eat them as an alternative to dessert in the evening.