Coastal Exercising Outdoors


How To Make The Most Of Living By The Sea

Exercising outdoors gives you the flexibility of where you exercise and lacks the pressure many feel when working out in a gym. Working out in a gym can be very off-putting, especially for beginners who might feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in gym environments. Despite it never being the case that someone else is laughing at you, make the most of living by the sea and exercise outdoors.  

These tips can be applied anywhere but if you live by the sea, make the most of it! Soak in that fresh sea air every morning before work and start your day by feeling alive in the best way possible. Working out in the outdoors is an exhilarating experience that is unique like no other and you’ll soon be rushing out every morning for your workout.  

Run along the beach

Running on sand provides you with both a soft running surface and a view. Professional runners often train on beaches to help them maintain stamina, build up fitness and protect themselves from injury. Deep sand workouts will really work your leg muscles so perfect if you are fitting in a short workout before work. Things to be aware of however when running on a beach are checking your knees when running on a slanted surface, gearing up with correct footwear and sunscreen and being aware of the tide! Make sure you check timings before setting off.


An ocean swim will be the perfect wake-me-up. Whether you are dipping in the English channel, braving the North Sea or lucky enough to be swimming in warmer climates, sea swimming is the perfect exercise routine. Sea swimming is recommended for strong swimmers as unlike swimming in a pool you have the tide and currents to contend with. It can be unsafe for those who are novice swimmers but for stronger ones it is the perfect workout.

Sea kayaking

Sea kayaking allows to you explore the water without getting as wet as swimming. It is the perfect arm workout as you have to contend with ocean tides and currents. It is a suitable activity to undertake all year round as opposed to swimming which might only be possible in the warmer months dependant on where you live. It is dependant on the weather but most days you will benefit from crisp and clear conditions whilst working your arms.

Beach yoga 

If yoga is more your style, enjoy it in a whole new way by taking it outdoors. Beach yoga is extremely popular in warmer climates in Asia but it is just as possible in the UK. Take your mat down to quiet part of the beach and stretch early in the morning. Take your phone to listen to your yoga soundtrack or follow a video off your phone. It is the perfect private space to develop new routines, experiment with new poses and styles and practice your old favourites.

HealthJuliet MayhewFitness