Proper Bed Making


How To Properly Make A Bed

Making your bed every morning in a professional manner can instantly tidy your bedroom and incorporate a hotel feel in every room. Tucked in ‘hospital corners’, fresh white bed linen and seasonal accessorises will make getting into bed at the end of the day a luxurious feeling. Making your bed at the beginning of the day is the perfect way to get a great start and set the tone for what will follow. It reinforces the notion that lots of little tasks can help you to accomplish big tasks without thinking about the gravity of it.

For guests staying at your home in your guest room, presenting a properly made bed is polished, shows dedication to hosting and symbolises how tidy and organised your home. Tidy house tidy mind!  

Choosing linen

A properly made bed will look best in appropriate linen. To incorporate the ‘hotel look’ in your bedroom, opt for fresh white linen of with a high thread count such as those found in John Lewis. White linen is much more polished and stylish compared to coloured bed linen and instantly freshens up your bedroom.  

Achieving perfect hospital corners  

It all starts with hospital corners. Hospital corners ensure the top sheet stays taut and gives beds a more finished appearance compared to sheets stuffed under mattresses. It takes practice to get it looking perfect but it will become second nature after you’ve tried it a few times.

Steps for hospital corners

  • Tuck the top sheet between the mattress and the frame at the foot of the bed.

  • On one side grab a piece of the top sheet, lift it up and fold the section of the sheet over the top of the mattress to form a 45 degrees angle.

  • Holding the newly folded piece of sheet in place on top of the mattress, tuck in any sheet below the mattress.

  • Tuck the hanging edge of the sheet smoothly between the mattress and divan all the way along the side of bed.

  • Repeat on the opposite side of the bed.

Adding your duvet

To continue the stylish aspect of putting together your bed for a hotel feel, make sure your duvet is spread evenly across the bed with the same amount of duvet hanging on each side. A good tip is to ensure the top edge of the duvet when folded is about six inches away from the edge of the top sheet at the head of the bed. Having this sizing will help you achieve the overall look.

Finishing touches

Give pillows a big fluff before placing in pillow cases and back on the bed. They should fit nicely in the space between the top of the folded duvet and the headboard. Adding scatter cushions can show your personality and bring the bed in with the rest of the rooms décor by mixing colour palettes. A throw arranged artfully over the bottom of the bed can make the room feel more cosy and homely in the colder months.