Tackle Your Laundry


How To Tackle Your Laundry

Defeating the laundry pile is a challenge many of us face. It is never ending. Always constant. The basket is never empty. New items are always being added, followed by a cry of ‘Mum, can you have this washed by Wednesday please?, when they've given it to you on Tuesday evening. Spending time at home should not be filled with washing basket after washing basket so in order for you to get your downtime, finally beat the washing pile and put your feet up, here is how to tackle your laundry.

Give every member of the family a laundry basket

To avoid any clothing being lost in your home and never making it to the washing machine, place a laundry basket in any bedroom. If your children are little, incorporate placing their dirty washing into the basket as part of any rewards chart jobs or household chores. This keeps all the dirty laundry in your home in certain places and makes your job a lot easier when it comes to doing laundry.

Tip: Add laundry baskets to bathrooms as well to collect dirty towels or in the kitchen to hold dish towels and clothes.

Set specific days for doing laundry

Develop a laundry routine within your home so your family will know when they can expect their clothes back. This cuts the slack on you as you do not need to rush around every single day collecting dirty laundry and washing it. Choose days which work with your routine to do your household laundry in and perhaps designate certain days for certain loads such as all bathroom/kitchen loads done in one day.

Organise your laundry essentials

If possible, place your washing machine and tumble dryer close by each other in your home. This makes it much easier for you when doing laundry. Keep all the products you use for your washes together in one place in a basket or box so you will never have to go hunting for something in particular. Choose products that suit your family and your lifestyle such as companies that are eco-focussed. Try investing in family-size products where necessary: to either save money or prevent waste of a product you hardly use.

Develop a drying system

There is nothing worse than washing your clothes to realise you have no drying space. If you have access to outside space, hang up a washing line to dry laundry in the warmer months. Make use of airing cupboards to place a clothes horse to dry towels and other items that can dry quickly. Have a ‘drying room’ in your home if you have the space by positioning all your clothes horses there. If you lack the space to do a ‘drying room’, place a clothes horse in each bedroom to separate the clothes before drying and give your children the responsibility of putting away their freshly laundered clothes.