Mexican Fiestas


How To Throw The Perfect Mexican Fiesta

Mexican food is famous all over the world – and for good reason. Captivating flavours, delicious dishes, bright colours and the vibrancy of Mexico very apparent, it is easy to see why Mexican food drives dinner parties and gatherings. If a no fuss and plenty of fun approach to dinner parties is for you, throw a Mexican fiesta for your nearest and dearest and here is how!

Go wild with your décor

Mexican celebrations are all about bright clashing colours that feel the room with vibrancy. A Mexico themed get together is all about bringing people together and developing a casual mood as it is the food that brings you together. To encapsulate the casual vibe make sure to just let yourself go and go wild.

Pick up cheap napkins from online stores, decorate with streamers, balloons and flowers and give your guests something to enjoy by including a piñata in the décor. Keep everything cheap and cheerful. A fun tip is to match the colours of your decorations with the colours in your food – it keeps the Mexican style flowing throughout.

In order to keep the clean-up easy, invest in some cheap but cheerful bright plastic tables cloths and adorn every surface in them. It prevents damage to your surfaces by spillage but makes it look like you’ve made a real effort.

The main event – the food

Finding dishes that your guests will enjoy when it comes to Mexican food is not difficult. A lot of the dishes are made from the same ingredients which makes preparations for you a lot easier and stress-free, allowing you to enjoy the process a lot more.

Start with something small when you welcome your guests by providing chips, guacamole and salsa. Salsa and guacamole can both be made easily from scratch so impress your guests from the outset with your culinary skills.

Mexican food is all about mucking in and sharing. Opt for big sharer dishes such as enchiladas, fajitas or burritos where your guests can help themselves to the main event. Making a mix of all three gives your guests plenty of choice (and hopefully will leave you with some tasty leftovers!) and adds to the casual feel of your party.

To accompany the main dishes, make sure you stock up on tortillas, salsa, guacamole, cheese, salad and sour cream for your guests to make their own meal.

Keep things sweet

Every good Mexican meal needs washed down with something deliciously sweet. Churros make a great group dessert as you can make or buy a batch of churros and serve with chocolate sauce, Nutella or Cajeta, which is a Mexican caramel sauce.

Another dessert suggestion is a margarita. It is the perfect end to a slap-up Mexican meal and your guests will definitely be wanting another one!

For children (and adults) make use of the piñatas you bought for decoration and fill them with sweets. Get a game going where blindfolded, each guest has a whack at the piñata with a stick to try and break it open. Keep things fair by stowing away some extra candy in case some miss out on the mad scramble for sweets that ensues when the piñata bursts.

HealthJuliet MayhewFood